April 2021 Updates
May 17, 2021

SMA Minor Construction

New BMPs as designed in the SMA Minor permit were put in place before any sitework commenced.

Sitework for the SMA Minor full buildout is well underway. Water and electric lines were placed underground in accordance with the SMA Minor plan and building permits. Concrete pads under each food truck have been poured. Grading work, including construction of the bioswales for stormwater retention is underway. Special care was taken to avoid any grading work during heavy rainstorms.

Hanapohaku engaged with an architect to prepare the fence permit for the continuation of the chain link fence along Pahoe Road and will be applying for a fence permit as soon as the application is complete.

Tenant Compliance

All trucks completed their required two moves in April with some being off site for multiple days. All trucks have verified that their safety check and registration are current. Single-use plastics, plastic straws, and non-reef-safe sunscreen continue to be prohibited for all tenants. Tour buses continue to be prohibited from the site. Any signs within 30 feet of the highway have been removed.

Baseline Inspection Report and Compliance

Inspectors from DPP visited the property unannounced in February, and conducted a baseline inspection of the entire property. Hanapohaku and others received the report on February 23rd. Hanapohaku has since reviewed the report including the photos and required changes described in it. All tents required to be removed were immediately taken down. The signs included in the report have all been removed. The electrical violations will be addressed safely as Hanapohaku engages with a licensed electrical contractor for the SMA minor construction. Any violations not requiring a licensed electrician were corrected immediately. All of the trucks were required to get updated safety checks and registrations. As of April 1st, all trucks operating on the land are up to date and DPP has removed the NOV for truck compliance.

Permitting Update

On April 1st, Hanapohaku’s attorneys requested via letter to the DPP director a three year extension of the SMA major permit due to delays resulting from litigation and COVID. On May 12th Hanapohaku received notice that the Zoning Chair will be including an SMA extension resolution in their June meeting.

Website Information

All Hotline inquiries have been posted to the website. There was one formal inquiry lodged on the website in the last month with several follow up emails. Communication thread with responses posted below. A monthly update with all required information was posted to the website on April 30, 2021.

Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

Quite a bit of excavation going on in the lot on the Pahoe road side. Looks over the 50 cu yard requirement for a permit? You have a permit? Can you post it? Per the baseline compliance report you needed to have your grading permit renewed by February. Was that done? Can you post it? Can you post survey for the fence on Pahoe road side? Pahoe neighbors are looking at doing our own survey of the Pahoe road boundaries to insure all lines are being adhered to. Please post what you can and advise Thanks


All permits are current and valid. All related permitting information is available publicly on DPP's website and you can see there that our grading permits were renewed on March 10th-12th. We would be happy to participate in a joint survey of the entirety of Pahoe Road and share the costs with all of the Pahoe Road neighbors. We will continue to update our website monthly with progress updates as per the settlement agreement.


HanaPohaku LLC

Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

What TMK number you use to renew the permits? As I only see Sept 2020 and the comment say “Plans review in progress” Doesn’t seem to say anything about renewal on 2021. Thanks for the offer to share the costs of the survey, no need on your part.


Missed your response because it was not sent through the hotline on the website. In the future for a quicker response submissions through the website. The TMK # is: 5-9-011:068

Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

When is the rest of the chain link fence due to be completed to the Mauka end of the property along Pahoe road?


Hi John,

Per section 6 of the settlement agreement the rest of the fence will be completed within 30 days of receipt of all required permits. We have begun the process of applying for the additional fence permit. We will continue to update our website with updates on the fence progress.



"McCully's Corner has become a very special place for my family."
Teri Davis
Pupukea Resident