June 2023 Updates
July 31, 2023

SMA Minor Construction

New BMPs as designed in the SMA Minor permit were put in place before any sitework commenced. The grading permit was closed on July 18, 2022. The electrical permit was closed on June 21, 2023 and the overall permit closed on June 30, 2023 after a final inspection by DPP and HECO. Signs were posted facing both inside and outside the property directing pedestrians to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road. The Pahoe Road fence was completed on August 19th, 2021.

Tenant Compliance

All trucks completed their required two moves in June. Single-use plastics, plastic straws, and non-reef-safe sunscreen continue to be prohibited for all tenants. Tour buses continue to be prohibited from the site. All tenants have been notified to remind customers to use the crosswalk at Pupukea Road when crossing Kamehameha Highway. Any signs within 30 feet of the highway have been removed.

Baseline Inspection Report and Compliance

Inspectors from DPP visited the property unannounced in February 2021 and conducted a baseline inspection of the entire property. Hanapohaku and others received the report on February 23rd, 2021. Hanapohaku has since reviewed the report including the photos and required changes described in it. All tents required to be removed were immediately taken down. The signs included in the report have all been removed. The electrical violations have been addressed and are awaiting a final inspection at the completion of the SMA minor construction.

Website Information

All Hotline inquiries have been posted to the website. Communication thread with responses posted below. A monthly update with all required information was posted to the website on June 30, 2023.

Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

Thank you for your May response regarding the Taco truck signage, but you are completely incorrect and are and have been out of compliance with the Mutual agreement that you and the City and County agreed to and signed. Section 9. Food Trucks Last paragraph. "Further, Developer will regulate the food truck operations under both the SMA Minor and SMA Major to avoid an atmosphere designed and intended to primarily attract tourists; to limit large signage visible from the highway (as referenced in Paragraph 16) so as to avoid driver distraction in this area; and to avoid catering to tourists." In whole: 9. Food Trucks. Developer agrees to require all food truck operators to comply with Department of Health (“DOH”) statutes and rules, City ordinances and permits, and the terms of their license agreements to operate on the Property. Developer also agrees to require all food truck operators to move their food trucks off-site on a regular basis, and no less than twice per month. All servicing and major cleaning of the food trucks shall be carried out at their associated support kitchens, the identity and location of which, for each food truck, shall be identified on Developer’s website and provided to the City at the time of the City’s baseline inspection referred to in Paragraph 21. Effective within 90 days of the execution of this Agreement, Developer agrees to: (a) not allow a total of more than five food trucks to operate on the Property at any time under either the SMA Minor or any SMA major permit; and (b) under both the SMA Minor and SMA Major, ensure that all wastewater from the food truck operations is being properly disposed of in accordance with applicable DOH statutes and rules. Further, Developer will regulate the food truck operations under both the SMA Minor and SMA Major to avoid an atmosphere designed and intended to primarily attract tourists; to limit large signage visible from the highway (as referenced in Paragraph 16) so as to avoid driver distraction in this area; and to avoid catering to tourists. As you can see you continue to be out of compliance with the Taco truck. Please remove the sign.


Hi John - We have ensured that everything on the site is legal and in compliance including any freestanding signage as well as food truck design and operations. We continue to take this seriously and are always willing to discuss in mediation as outlined in the settlement agreement. 



Submitted content

Name: John Thielst

You obviously do understand the agreement that you and the City signed or do care and are completely ignoring it. The Taco sign can be seen clearly from the road and is out of compliance. It could also be argued that most if not all the signage is out of compliance. If you really cared about the agreement you would make corrections and actually prove not just report that the food trucks are in fact moving as required by the agreement. How about letting have some third party witnesses actually watch and report, and record dates and times in the monthly report.


Hi John - To reiterate our last response, we have ensured that everything on the site is legal and in compliance including any freestanding signage as well as food truck design and operations. We do understand and care about the agreement and continue to follow everything outlined in it. As stated previously we are always willing to discuss in mediation as outlined in the settlement agreement. 



Submitted content

Name: Dave Riddle

Why do i hear generators running 24 hours a day from your parking lot ?


Hi David, 

Apologies for the sound. There was an extended power outage but HECO has now fixed the problem so there should be no more generator sounds.



Submitted content

Name: Dave Riddle

Mahalo for fixing this problem.

"Great people, great food, great snorkeling and surf lessons."
Tim Jancosko